natural capital


All businesses depend upon the ecosystem, which provides stock of natural resources or environmental assets – we refer to as ‘Natural Capital’. These resources include air, water, minerals, land and energy.

natural capital

Every business creates environmental impact, which requires proper management in order to protect it from the damage and resource scarcity. Therefore, it becomes one of the core responsibilities for everyone to make efforts for environmental conservation and Engro takes this issue very seriously.

We have been able to maintain business growth while reducing our environmental impact through a focused eco-efficient approach. All our businesses are ISO 14001 certified and fully compliant with the national environmental regulations. Moving beyond regulations and compliances, we have adopted strict international best practices on environmental management, like British Safety Council Environmental Program and WWF Green Office certification. We have a sound policy in place in regards to this agenda, which is factually enforced, in all our businesses by designated teams having environmental experts. Our environmental management function is subject to internal audit and independent third party audit.


Energy is considered to be the life line of any economy and most vital instrument of economic development for a country. Pakistan faces severe energy crisis along with an increasing trend in the energy demand. Engro actively pursues opportunities to reduce its energy consumption levels despite the fact it being an energy supplier to the national grid.

Our petrochemicals business – Engro Polymer & Chemicals – has managed to save electricity with the elimination of inherent losses by optimizing power distribution systems and has also implemented a system of condensate recovery at its plant. A small step towards alternative energy is the successful operation of eNova 360 solar energy project powering the residential colony in Daharki by our energy business – Engro Powergen Qadirpur. Engro Vopak has replaced energy savers with LED lights whilst across the businesses compact florescent lamps (CFL) have been installed at workshops and fire stations to improve energy efficiency at the facility. Similarly, Engro Eximp operates steam turbine which reduces the consumption of diesel and GHG emissions.


Pakistan faces lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the increasing demands. Majority lacks access to clean drinking water. Engro strives for optimum consumption of water ensuring minimal usage and takes measures to treat the waste water from manufacturing processes.

Manufacturing facility at Daharki is equipped with a reverse osmosis plant which reduces the flow of unsafe effluents by up to 150 gallons per minute. Engro Fertilizer has been using recycled water from effluent treatment plant for watering plants and trees. Besides many other initiatives an ongoing activity of ponds lining is in practice by Engro Fertilizer to save ground water contamination. Engro Eximp’s steam recovery project recycles steam back into the system as ‘feed water’ for boiler, thereby reducing fresh water consumption.

environmental conservation

Pakistan’s urban air pollution is among the most severe in the world and can potentially cause significant damage to human health and the economy. Pakistan generates about 20 million tonnes of solid waste annually, according to the Ministry of Environment, and this number is growing a about 2.4 percent each year.

Our commitment to handling and managing waste streams from different subsidiaries adhering to strict regulatory compliance and international waste management best practices. We ensure that waste that can be used as a resource through recycling and reuse is put to good use. The challenge of handling hazardous waste recycling and its proper disposal is of prime importance. All our subsidiaries have waste water treatment facilities which are strictly monitored and regularly audited.

Engro Fertilizer engaged the services of an international waste management company for the removal and recycling of about 110 Tons of hazardous waste. Similarly Engro Eximp has started an ash disposal contract with a vendor for its safe disposal, with strict monitoring of the contractor on compliances.

During the year no significant spill occurred in any of our entities except for Engro Polymer & Chemicals in which 8 spills incidents (2013; 18 spills) of sodium hypochlorite occurred, considered normal in the course of business. 4.35 million m3 of water discharged to canals and municipal sewer (100%) treated, consolidated for all group companies.

our natural capital

as a company we are passionate about ensuring that our policies, procedures and business operations remain eco-friendly, and we continue to demonstrate this focus on the environment by decreasing our footprint year on year relative to our business growth.
